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things I loved in 2024

2 min

My consumption of stuff for fun was limited this year since I spent 90% of my time working on Tested. But here's what I turned to and enjoyed this year.


for going to the gym

for driving around town

for working in the studio


I didn't read much this year because I was too busy making Tested with all my waking minutes, so here are the few I did manage to find time for:



When I'm deep in making a podcast I basically stop being able to listen to other podcasts – my ears need a break! But these shows remained in rotation.


I am very bad at video games. I never really played them much growing up, and so things that are "intuitive" to many are not to me. I always wind up stuck in the corner, somehow looking at the sky, and cannot figure out how to get out. I don't want to fight anything, and stuff that has a timer on it makes me really anxious. So I always assumed that games were simply not for me (which is fine! not everything has to be for me). But this year I found a version of "playing video games" that was actually very satisfying: watching my partner play puzzle games. I get to help solve the puzzle, but I don't have to actually touch the controls and get frustrated! Here are the ones we played together that I liked best:




A painting of two people -- on the right a man in a feathered hat, and on the left a young woman.

Everybody Has a Process

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