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podcast idea

a podcast logo with a dark green background and yellow/orange lettering saying "Flipped"

Podcast Idea: Flipped

two podcast logos, with blue backgrounds, that each say "fact holes"

Podcast Idea: Fact Holes

two podcast logos both featuring mouths and little icons showing lots of hobbies

Podcast Idea: Hobby Drama

two podcast logos both with yellow backgrounds and with the word "improvtymology" on it

Podcast Idea: Improvtymology

Two podcast logos that say "Tiny Town Crime" and have line drawings of small buildings

Podcast Idea: Tiny Town Crime

three logos that all say "what sound does a ___ make" with various images of snakes and fish and birds

Podcast Idea: What Sound Does A _____ Make?

A podcast logo made of little icons of a crane, a saw, a truck and a globe with the word "worldbuilding" below it

Podcast Idea: Worldbuilding

Two potential logos side by side. One is the word "WHY?" repeated in red and white text. The other is black and white.

Podcast Idea: Why Should I Care?

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